Parabens are among the most controversial ingredients found in many popular beauty products. So, what exactly are parabens — and are they bad for your skin? Read this to find out!
This odorless, nutty-flavored, yellowish-colored liquid derived from pressed almonds has been shown to be effective for many skin issues. Let's find out all about sweet almond oil benefits for skin.
Witch hazel comes from the North American flowering shrub Hamamelis virginiana. Full of tannins and antioxidants, witch hazel works as a natural astringent used mostly for treating skin conditions like eczema and acne. Read this to discover five reasons to introduce witch hazel into your beauty routine!
Dermatologists often recommend facial oils for their omega fatty acids, which have been proven to moisturize, boost elasticity, and help with wound healing. Read this to find out which facial oil is right for you!
When you think of skincare, you probably think of your face -- maybe your neck and décolletage, but are you neglecting the rest of your skin? Read this to find out everything you need to know about skincare from the neck down!
Spirulina algae has been used as a healing superfood for centuries now, and with its high nutritional value, there is no doubt it will continue to be popular as blue-green algae is a powerful source of vitamins and minerals to benefit every part of the human body – including the skin!
A recent clinical trial found that some of the active ingredients in sunscreen are absorbed into the body and into the bloodstream (rather than sitting on the surface of the skin, as previously believed). Read this to find about which formulas are safest for your skin!
Botanically known as Nigella Sativa, the black seed has been used as a natural remedy for thousands of years. Also known as black cumin seed oil or kalonji oil, black seed oil contains over 100 vitamins and minerals and is said to offer a range of health benefits. Read this to find out how this ancient ingredient can improve your skin and help treat eczema.
Lymphatic drainage isn’t the sexiest phrase in the English language (and cellulite is a downright dirty word in Englishand French), but it could be the secret to sexy legs for the summer. Here’s a look at how French women combat one of the most unglamorous beauty problems: cellulite.
Collagen is a wrinkle-preventing protein that keeps skin supple and strong. Our collagen levels naturally start to deplete around the age of 20 (!). As a result, skin becomes thinner and more fragile. And so begins the quest to replace it! Read this to discover everything you need to know about collagen, its many benefits, and how to boost your collagen supply naturally!
If you’ve noticed dark patches on your cheeks, forehead, or upper lip, melasma may be the culprit. Melasma is a common skin problem that causes a patchy darkening of facial skin. Read this article to find out what causes melasma and to explore natural treatment options for "the mask of pregnancy."
Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is on our list of must-have skincare ingredients, as it can do wonders for the skin. Read this to find out how vitamin B3 works and why you need it in your skincare products!