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The Botanical blog


Skin Health: How Does Vitamin C Help Your Body?

Applying skin and hair products rich in vitamin C will defend your skin from sun damage and environmental stress, will kill bacteria growing on skin which will help to minimize acne, and will help skin grow with enhanced strength and flexibility. Vitamin C does so much for us, and in this case, supplements and diet aren't the answer - topical products are!
Men's skincare with a beard

Men’s Grooming 101: The ultimate guide to skincare with a beard

Beard care is all about nourishing the facial hair and skin underneath to keep it clean, hydrated, and flake-free, as well ss keeping your beard soft, smooth, and tamed. Read this for beard care tips that will keep your facial hair looking and feeling healthy.
Aloe vera plant extract for skincare and acne

Using Aloe Vera for Acne and Improving the Look of Your Skin

Curious about the benefits of aloe vera for acne? Aloe vera is an ancient medicinal plant that holds astringent properties you can use to treat inflammation and infection. Read on to learn about it's top benefits and uses.

How to mange your skin's microbiome for healthy, clear skin.

Why Your Skin’s Microbiome Matters

The skin microbiome is responsible for the health of your skin, including how well it absorbs skincare products. An imbalance of bacteria in your skin’s microbiome can lead to skin concerns like eczema and acne. Want to know how to manage yours? Read this to learn everything you need to know about the skin microbiome!

Treat facial eczema naturally with ingredients like aloe vera, colloidal oats, and coconut oil.

How to Treat Facial Eczema Naturally

Dealing with eczema can be uncomfortable and exhausting. And when it appears on your face, it makes it even harder to ignore.Butwe're here to help! We’ve got everything you need to know about those dry, itchy patches of skin, including five ways to treat facial eczema naturally.
How to treat dry skincare in the colder months naturally

Your Ultimate Guide to Combatting Dry Skin This Fall

The air is getting crisp, the temperatures are dropping, and gone are the glowing, dewey complexions of summer. It's officially dry skin season! Read this to find out everything you need to know to combat dry skin this fall! 
Top foods to eat to rebuild and increase collagen production naturally for youthful looking skin

The 5 Best Foods to Naturally Boost Collagen

Studies show that our bodies stop producing collagen as we ageThat leaves many beauty buffs wondering how to naturally boost collagen to keep (or regain) supple and flexible skin. Rather than using supplements, we recommend dietary sources of collagen for rebuilding collagen naturally. Read this to find out which foods to eat to boost your collagen production! 

Get rid of blackheads naturally

How to get rid of blackheads: The complete guide

Contrary to popular belief, blackheads (which tend to show up on the areas of the face most prone to oil) aren’t actually dirt-clogged pores. We’ve rounded up everything you ever wanted to know for getting rid of blackheads once and for all. Read on for the definitive guide to banishing blackheads.

Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins which can improve your skin's health and appearance.

What Does Strawberry Do For Skin?

If you've noticed your favorite red berry taking center stage in the beauty sphere lately, and you're asking yourself "what does strawberry do for the skin?", we’re here to give you a heads-up! For starters, they’re rich in vitamin C (even more so than oranges!) and antioxidants. Read this to find out more about this berry's skincare benefits!
Natural skincare treatments for acne scars and hyperpigmentation

Acne Scars and Hyperpigmentation: Your Complete Guide to Fading Both Fast

Acne can leave behind scars and patches of hyperpigmentation that can linger for months – even years.But don’t fret! There are some treatments that actually work to fade scars and eventually get rid of the traces of acne. We’re breaking down everything there is to know about fading acne scars and hyperpigmentation fast so you’ll be on your way to a smoother, brighter, more even complexion in no time!

Coffee oil has many skincare benefits and may help reduce cellulite.

Seven Reasons You Should Be Slathering Yourself in Coffee Oil

Coffee does more than boost your energy — it also has a ton of skincare benefits. Read this for everything you need to know to give your skin a daily pick-me-up with coffee oil!
Apples are packed with antioxidants which can help to improve the appearance of the skin and reverse the signs of aging.

Why You Need To Add Apple Extract Into Your Skincare Routine

Apples are rich in Vitamin A, B complex, and vitamin C and are loaded with antioxidants. They are known to boost immunity, aid in digestion, detoxify your liver, help with weight loss, increase the endurance of your body, whiten teeth, help with detoxification of the body, improve blood circulation, and yes... improve the appearance and health of the skin! Read this to find out everything you need to know about apple extract! 

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